Sunday, November 19, 2017

Trapper Trails Council Trade-o-ree 2017

Well, I attended the 2nd Trapper Trails Tradeoree. It was held on a Saturday from 8-5.  I showed up at 7:00 a.m. and had things set up by 8:00 or so.  Mostly patch displays but I did put out some odds an d ends, plus I displayed my Girl Scout camera collection.
Here's looking south, I'm at the far end along the wall, behind the flags.

Craig selling

Carey selling

Carson and Lily came to visit along with the rest of the family.

White cover merit badge books, 39 in case!

Senior Scouting Programs

Senior Scouting Programs

Senior Scouting Programs - added a bunch of merit badges to the Air Scout display and increased in size

LDS patches

New this year, Eagle Scout Medals

Squares slowly growing

1976 Bi-Centennial patches

1976 Colonial Merit Badges - All 3

New addition for office

Knife collection

30 uniforms on display

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Great Salt Lake Council Scout-O-Rama 2017

I was at the far north end of the Expo with a wall about 80' long.  I purchased some hangers that I stretched out and hung my uniforms from the hangers so people could read the description card.  This allowed me to put flags along the top of the wall, along with my Scouting Heritage banner.  Then, 4 tables provided for free by the Scout-o-rama, along with 4 tables I brought myself.  This allowed me to display a number of things and people really were excited and appreciated the effort.  However, I wish I had a wall more toward the center of the building so more people could see it.  They had to walk through the Trade-o-ree section to get to the memorabilia display but many made it over.

Some old uniforms were very popuplar.

Boys love the Cub Scouting display as always.
Matt and Derek and Austin came over first thing to participate
Eagle Scout Insignia
The first "Scouting" pamphlet!
Birth of Scouting
America Scouting, Wood Badge
25th anniversary Handbook Silver edition
Rank Insignia
Swimming Suit and patches

Here's an old Scout who really appreciated the history.

Rank insignia over the years

Merit badge corner

Merit badge corner

Explorer/Ranger and Air Scouting

Sea Scouting

Cub Scouting Corner

Cub Scouting Corner

50 and 100 years of Scouting

LDS Scouting

Varsity Scouting - RIP

OA from my Ordeal and Brotherhood

Lone Scout and a First Edition of the Lone Scout magazine 1915

Senior Scouting, Varsity to join the retired programs

Scout Handbooks and Field Books

Scoutmaster handbooks, Patrol Leader and Merit badge books

Cub Scout books through the years

Tan merit badge books

Service Library


Saturday, April 29, 2017

Trapper Trails Scout-O-Rama 2017

The Scout-O-Rama returned to Ogden after 7 years!  It was 2010 that I got the bug of Scouting memorabilia and now I return a new person, broke.

The council didn't really plan for individual unit participation with booths and displays but I called up and asked if I could display.  They said yes.  Although the exhibit hall was going to only have 4 events, they moved several of the merit badge classes indoors because of the cold weather.  Thus, my area was a little smaller than I thought I had initially.  I ended up leaving my 10 book display cases in the back of the truck, as I didn't really have sufficient time to put the easels together and the room was shoot.  Then, Laurie had a bad nights sleep and didn't come with me and I had asked Wiatt if the OA could help me set up.  Wiatt is the OA and he showed up around 7:20 and really helped me for it to be a success.  The only problem with my pictures is that I didn't take any of Wiatt and it was his help that made it work.

You can see a white table in the center of the picture below.  Wiatt set up the table and traded patches and coached Scouts on trading.  He gave patches to Scouts and just had the only patch blanket trading of the entire Trade-o-ree.  What a great guy!!!

The displays were very busy early on and I had several people thank me for sharing my Scouting items.  That made the work worth it.  Although I've been dealing with a fever for the last 4 weeks, this event was too important to miss.