Friday, November 27, 2015

Thanksgiving at our church

So, once again I took a few Scouting items to the family Thanksgiving Dinner.  Way too much work for family members who aren't that interested, but I do it anyway.
Camping Merit Badge pamphlets, Rockwell calendars!
LDS Scouting items
More LDS Scouting and Primary items.
5 Bandlos and more Rockwell Boys' Life magazines.
LDS Neckerchiefs.
LDS Scouting/Primary on church magazine covers
Scouting is a game and their are games with Scouting themes.
Built this great display on the early transition of the highest rank, from Wolf, to Flying Eagle to the final design.
Pocket strips, Boy Scouts, Explorer and Cubs Scouts.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Salt Lake Council Trade-o-ree 2015

Well, I got the Best of Display but forgot to take pictures.  I had 3 tables set up with display cases mostly. 

Here's the lodge.  I set up in the corner by the white board you can see.  I got there at 4:30.  This picture is from Saturday and  there are chairs for the bidders and the patches are on the fireplace.

I did set up my Scouting For Boys pamphlets and my game.

There's Craig and Casey.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Pocatello Tradeoree

Well, I drove up to the Pocatello Tradeoree by myself.  I asked Carson to go but his other Grandmother was having a birthday so I was on my own.  I had 3 tables in the corner and I displayed my books and a few patches.  I also displayed my new set of Scouting For Boys, 1st edition from 1908, which I just received from Scotland.
Here's the traders, mostly patches!!!

Some of the patch displays

Pretty cool OA display by my friend from Price Utah

This one is pretty amazing 100thh anniversary patches

Here's a nice LDS medal.

Here's most of the 2013 LDS patches I believe

LDS patches basically for 100th Anniversary

Nice 1935 jacket for $950 for sell.

Primary felt bandlo for girl.  Sweet

Saturday, June 20, 2015

ArrowTour 100th Anniversary

I took the opportunity to bring my Scouting memorabilia to the ArrowTour 100th Anniversary celebration.  A group traveling the Western United States showed up with tents and OA things as part of the celebration.  My display added to the overall excitement of having the 100th anniversary at our lodge.  I started packing up Friday night, arrived at council at 10:30 and was set up by 1:30.  Baden Titus was a youth in charge of the OATour and Jerry Titus and his 2 grandchildren helped me put up the PVC, tables and such.  They were a great help and saved me.  I would have struggled without their help and they exemplified the Ordeal Obligation!  What a great example.

I brought about a 1/3 of my uniforms, left my bookcases home, used 5 tables from the council and just had a wonderful day talking to so many people and sharing Scouting Heritage.  What a treat!

I created my own hanging backdrop and engineered a place to hang my banner.  Also, I hung a few sashes at the end.

Here are a couple OA members from the Crow Nation who were dancing.  They took a break to view the collection.

We had many people enjoy the Scouting Heritage display.  That was very rewarding as people were so impressed, inspired and reflective of Scouting during the last 100 years.

Having just gone through the Ordeal, I put together a display of sashes, 1st Edition Handbook, my necklace I made at Ordeal, clan wristband, first lodge flag patch and membership card I received in the mail Friday.

5 tables of display in a nice shady location at the council office.  I only brought 1/3 of my uniforms and didn't bring my bookcases as well.  So much however, it was like drinking from a firehose.

Here's my buddy Wyatt performing service at the snow cone machine.  Great for a hot day!  Wyatt placed my sash on me during the Ordeal Ceremony and has been a part of the OA forever.  He's a great guy and is involved with Mountain Man events around the West.  Also and avid collection and trader of Scouting and Mountain items.

Kathleen and Phadia came down to see me and my collection.  It was very nice to have them there!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Scout Expo 2015 - South Town Expo Center

Troop 1 - Sorensen Field
Well, I went overboard this year and John Spence, who was in charge of the Tradeoree area, gave me 80 feet of display area.  The format I used ended up very nice, not hidden as last year.  I put my new Scouting Heritage sign right in the middle, along with 2 6' tables and 3 card tables.  I draped a few of my flags along the front edge, which really makes a Scouting display.  I didn't have enough space for much of my collection.
Looking left but there's 3 book cases you can't see further down!
Looking right almost to the end...
In addition to my 80' of display, I asked the Expo director to find me a place to put my Norman Rockwell collection.  Here is a 20' x 20' area where I hung several of my calendars (not all of them), along with handbooks with his paintings and figurines, etc.  Carson manned the booth quite a bit of the time, thank goodness, as I was pretty much stationed at the other booth.

Here's Carson manning the Rockwell collection.  He did a great job and he wore a retro-uniform with me.

Here's Chad who spent most of the day and helped pack everything up again this year.  Lily wants to marry a Boy Scout, I can see it in her eyes.

Kevin and Meagan came all the way down on their 2nd Wedding Anniversary, the same day 2 years ago while driving to east coast!

So, here's several pictures of my table display, starting at the left end and moving to the right.


Next, oh, yes that 1935 silver handbook is very rare!


Next, new Training awards and Trail medal displays.

Next, the little blue patch poem, along with some serious insignia.

My 1st Eagle Scout display and my Lone Scout badge display to its left.

Cubs - could have brought more!
Lily and Meagan

There they are wanting a picture with me as I portray James E. West.  I just need some round-rimmed glasses.
Here's a crazy pose picture.  Carson and me are always straight.
