Tapper Trails TOR - Camp Fife
Gathering of Eagles - Volunteered by knee surgery force me to cancel
Orem Trade-O-Ree - Displayed a couple tables of patches and didn't stay over.
Eagle Scout Court of Honor - Family had to do my display as I tore my ACL the day before.
LDS Church announces the discontinuance of the BSA and Scouting as the activity arm of the church after 105 years, ending December 31, 2019, so 106 1/2 years of Scouting.
Bonneville Shores Recognition - Only recognition event this winter but was a great time.
Orem Trade-o-ree - No displaying this year.
Troop 99 90th anniversary - Wendell Bosen invited me to display. Great event and amazing 90 years.
Gathering of Eagles for Trapper Trails Council - First time displaying at this event.
Provo Tradeoree
Scout Expo 2017 - Big display at the back, they gave me 3 tables and I brought 4.
Court of Honor - Displayed at Tim Simmon's sons court of honor.
Idaho Falls Tradeore - 2 3/4 hour drive. Bought a number of pins, a Jamboree flag and a few patches. Drove home at 10:15 - 12:30. Didn't take any pictures.
Salt Lake Tradeoree -
Trapper Trails Tradeoree -
Scout Expo 2016 - Displayed 120'+ of space in the Tradeoree section. Had a wonderful large area.
Trapper Trails Council Recognition Awards - took patrol to do flag ceremony in vintage uniforms.
Idaho Falls Tradeoree - long drive...
Salt Lake Tradeoree - Went to Tradeoree Friday night and came back for the auctions on Saturday. Displayed framed displays only on 3 tables.
Trapper Trails Tradeoree - Set up uniforms and a few patch displays.
Provo Tradeoree - Displayed several framed displays.
Kaysville annual Scouting banquet - Displayed uniforms and a few other table items. Portrayed James E. West and talked about history of the early days of Scouting in America
Scout Expo 2015 - Displayed 80' of space in the Tradeoree section, along with a 20' x 20' x 20' display of Norman Rockwell calendar artwork, along with figurines, etc.
ArrowTour 2015 - 100 years of Order Of The Arrow day at the Ogden Scout office. Set up my display - 50' is what they gave me. I had 4/5 tables and used by pvc poles to hang uniforms.
Pocatello Tradeoree - September 18th I drove up by myself. Didn't stay for the Saturday auction. Only spent $26 - a miracle! Had 3 tables of displays. flags on tables, books and a few display picture frames.
Salt Lake Tradeoree - November. I drove up Friday late afternoon. Doug Bearce was there with lots of memorabilia which I purchase some of. I had 2 tables of display and I came back Saturday for the auction. I spent a bunch!
Took Scout Troop to Weber County Fairground for the 100th anniversary Camporee. Saw Scouting memorbilia displays such as a book display of handbooks and Kathy Robinson's display. She told me she buys Scout things on Ebay. The rest is history