Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Salt Lake Trade-o-ree 2016

Well, I arrived at the Tradeoree around 4:00 and I had 3 tables, kind of low key this year.  I purchased a few things at the silent auction on Saturday and a few things Friday night.  Drove home Friday night and was back at 9:00 Saturday.  Purchased a few items in the auction in the afternoon.  Wiatt helped me a bunch, focusing on a collection which was being sold.  Bought some great Star and Life ranks on black, white and blue cloth.  Bought some DTG medals from a fellow by the name of Moyes, whose dad was from the Ogden area!  Nice guy.  Doug Bearce had a fantastic square merit badge sash and wanted $1250 for it.  Too much for me.
Saturday auction items
Wiatt, who directed me to one of those binders with the insignia!!!!
Also, Carey, my buddy!

This is an amazing LDS Scouting collection.  Those tokens on the bottom are unreal.  He just uses foam board.

I bid on that neckerchif.  It looks great here!

The other amazing collection of Lone Scout items. 

Great collection of LDS medals.

Community Strips is now a new area of collecting.....