Sunday, May 15, 2016

Great Salt Lake Council Scout Expo 2016

Well, the biggest event of the year is behind me and what a great day to share Scouting heritage with so many visitors.  I got to meet parents who were so intrigued with the Osca De Larente designed Lady dressed, was able to share the very first Boy Scout book from 1908, and so my more.  The Kenner Boy Scout village fascinated so many as well.   Over 200 linear feet of display space, mine was one of the largest events of the day.
Start unloading my little truck - no trailer, it's all in the truck!

Get the uniforms and displays out so we can get to the tables and easels.

Hey, I'm smiling because I finally get to share some Scouting Heritage!

Even Carson is Smiling!

Carson has been my helper for many years now and he showed up again.  He can reach the top to hang the uniforms, while Laurie hands them to him.  She's behind the camera as well.

Saturday morning.  I need a lower level or some hooks so the Cub uniforms, as well as all uniforms are lower.  Maybe I can make some hooks for next year....

Here they came.  They really liked the Kenner Scout display.

1 - Birth of Scouting display.

2 - British Handbooks

3 - Pre-Scout display

4 - BSA Handbooks

15 - LDS Scouting

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Trapper Trails Scout-O-Rama and Merit Badge Pow-Wow and EYO campout

7 of 8 boys showed up for camp out

Chad and Colton Stokes!  Nice new Scout pants

Harris setting his tent up...

The boys cooking egg burritos.

Liam offering a prayer on the eggs.

Mark Wood putting up Kalel's tent...

One of the many Scouts looking at my collection out of the rain...

3 table display but they really enjoyed it.
That's the 4-H building, again, just outside this time.

A Scout teaching me knot.